Everything you should ballacoilupi.org know about Trenbolone Hexa dosages and injections
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is a steroid drug that surpasses Testosterone in its Androgenic and Anabolic characteristics. Its Androgenic activity is 2 times higher, and Anabolic – 5 times higher. Other names that you may have heard of for this steroid include Trenbolone Hex or “Tren Hex”.
For those who is familiar with Trenbolone Hexa already we have prepared the list of trusted providers that sell Trenbolone online: Read our Guide
parabolan.info Team
Features of injectable Tren Hex:
The brand name and trade name for this Anabolic steroid is called Parabolan. It is a longer acting ester of Trenbolone than that of the Acetate version. Trenbolone Acetate is the faster ester and is the most popular among bodybuilders. There is a very big difference in the half-life of these two Trenbolone esters. The Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester has the half-life of close to two weeks and the Acetate ester half-life is only 2-3 days. Trenbolone, no matter the ester is known as the most powerful anabolic steroid available today.
Get to “Trenbolone Cycles” info page
Trenbolone Stacked with other steroids: info page
Learn what are the side effects of Trenbolone
What is the Parabolan effect?
This steroid is a derivative of Nandrolone – if you look at the molecular structure of substances, it will be similar. But Nandrolone is inferior to Trenbolone in a number of parameters. For example, Trenbolone has a very high resistance to metabolism in the body, therefore making it have a much better Anabolic effect. Also, it will not convert into Estrogen. Trenbolone is totally resistant to Aromatization, unlike Nandrolone which is not.
What is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate?
Tren hex is considered to be one of the best cutting steroids of all time. It is a known fact that many competitive bodybuilders will not prepare for a show without using this steroid. A Parabolan cycle will provide you with tremendous fat loss effects but will also preserve the muscle mass gained while training. Trenbolone will harden your physique like no other steroid. If you are already lean, you’ll appear harder, more vascular, and much more defined following the cycle. A solo Parabolan cycle can be used but it’s recommended to add Testosterone into any cycle to avoid suffering any sexual dysfunction. When cutting, stacking Tren Hex with other Anabolic steroids such as Masteron or Winstrol will only intensity the already dramatic effects of Tren Hex.
Because Tren Hex is a longer acting format of Trenbolone, a Parabolan cycle will usually run a bit longer than normal (in the range of 12-14 weeks). This is due to the amount of time required to achieve peak optimal blood plasma levels of the compound. Athletes and bodybuilders reported noticeable changes and gains anywhere between the fourth and sixth week of the cycle. For this reason, it is highly recommended to cycle this steroid for longer. By cutting a Parabolan cycle short, the user will not benefit from the full effects of this steroid.
MUST-READ facts about Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Tren-Hex)
Calling all Trenbolone lovers! Not only is there Trenbolone Acetate and Trenbolone Enanthate but there is also Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate! Thankfully, most steroid users know this as Tren-Hex. Can you imagine trying to talk to your gym buddies about Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate? If they aren’t experienced with steroids, they might think you are making that word up. In any case, it is a real word and it carries with it as much potency as letters! Let’s get down to business and tell you exactly what Tren-Hex is and why you should make this part of your next cycle…
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate: The most powerful steroid
Trenbolone Hex and many other injectable steroids are in high demand in bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, and other sports. However, boxers are not in a hurry to use Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, because it significantly increases muscle mass. For a two-month cycle, an athlete can gain 15 to 20 pounds, and in boxing the weight category is very critical.
But in bodybuilding the athlete will use Trenbolone to get all the benefits that this powerful steroid provides. It is possible in a short period of time to gain muscle mass of excellent quality. In this case, without a set of adipose tissue, because the drug is not prone to water retention or bloating. Powerlifters and other sport athletes receive from this steroid a significant increase in power indicators. At the same time, the mass in growing, but “pure”.
So WHY to start using Tren Hex?
Tren-Hex is a very powerful steroid that has a slew of benefits when used properly. Initially, this steroid was used to treat muscle wasting diseases because of it’s amazing protein synthesis and retention of nitrogen. Both of these play a key role in building lean muscle while preventing the body from going into a catabolic state. The Anabolic activity of Tren Hex is enhanced by the increased rate of red blood cells. With the circulation of red blood cells and an increase in the amount of red blood cells, more oxygen can be delivered to your body. What does this do for you? Your endurance will go through the roof when you work out rather than feeling lethargic after doing a few sets in the gym. Working out longer and harder can be a tremendous benefit to you in the long run, especially when you have a set goal in mind and are using Tren-Hex along with any other steroids. Trenbolone in general is known to burn fat and increase your metabolism. Add this into your already clean eating and intense workouts and reap the rewards greatly. Tren Hex allows the body to process the nutrients from foods that are consumed more efficiently, which will make the fats, proteins and carbs in each meal more valuable to your body as a whole. This leads to well fed muscles.
With regards to bodybuilders and athletes, the benefits from Tren-Hex will also be amazing. Trenbolone is said to promote muscle hardness and definition and will increase vascularity in those who are serious about their physical condition. Known for its drying effect, Tren Hex will make the skin appear thinner and therefore muscles will look more pronounced and chiselled, especially when your bodyfat is very low.
Why to use Trenbolone Hex?
- Muscle growth from the cycle – up to 15 to 20 pounds;
- Significant improvement in power performance;
- Increase libido (individually);
- Lowering natural cortisol;
- Burning fat (through IGF-1 growth hormone factors);
- Improving overall mood and state of mind;
- No excess water retention;
- Improved bone density;
- Increase in cardiovascular activity (increased endurance);
- Increased red blood cell and haemoglobin count (more oxygen to your muscles and other cells).
TOP recommendations regarding Bulking and Cutting with Tren-Hex
Tren-Hex is so powerful that you can utilize it for both a bulking and cutting phase. For bodybuilders and athletes in the off-season or who are considering a bulking cycle, Tren-Hex can be used but if done so on its own, won’t provide the best results. Stack this steroid with other bulking agents and it will consolidate your gains, harden muscles and increase strength. Another added bonus of using Tren-Hex in a bulking phase is that it will provide a greater capacity for more intense workouts. When adding Tren-Hex to a bulking stack, the gains you see, will be all clean gains with as little fat as possible. The good news when considering a cutting cycle is that you can use Tren Hex on its own and still get good results. When cutting, we are already depriving the body of the extra calories so while burning fat, Tren Hex will work to burn more fat, pump up your metabolism and promote extreme leanness as well as muscle shape and definition. Tren Hex will also protect your muscles from atrophy which tends to occur when we are calorie deficient while still training vigorously. Some actually say that you can combine any two steroids together and not get the same results that you would from cycling with Tren-Hex. Recovery time will also be quicker if using Tren-Hex in your cutting cycle. Trenbolone will keep your strength up when you are working to cut the last bit of fat on your body. Bodybuilders have stacked Tren-Hex with Primobolan, Masteron and Winstrol when running cutting cycles while using Dianabol and Anadrol with Tren-Hex for bulking cycles.
Tren-hex can be used in cutting and bulking cycles with great effectiveness. While many use this steroid during a cutting phase, Tren-hex can be almost, if not just as beneficial to the off-season or bulking phase. This is because it is considered one of the best mass promoting steroids out there. With the use of Trenbolone all the weight gained during a cycle will be muscle mass. Another advantage of using this steroid when bulking is there won’t be any water retention. Some of the most popular steroid combinations for bulking with Tren Hex include the use of Dianabol, Anadrol or Deca. These cycles will promote lean mass gains.
Trenbolone can improve strength performance during workouts, improve muscle endurance, and make an older athlete more resilient to injuries. You need to be prepared for the fact that you have to drink more water – the drug thickens the blood. And it thickens seriously, so with constant admission you need to take tests and monitor the progress of the body. You should not play with such serious things if you need to keep your health under control.
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is a derivative of Nandrolone, so you can compare it with this drug, but only by the molecule structure and nothing else. Trenbolone is hands down the strongest steroid available for purchase today. There are no other compounds that work like Trenbolone. Most other AAS do not come close to the strength that Trenbolone has. This is what makes it so popular in the bodybuilding and fitness industries.
Cycles with Tren-Hex: how to find best dosages?
Trenbolone is perfectly combined with Drostanolone and Testosterone. This combination leads to powerful synergy. However, the use of Drostanolone esters (long and short) allows to reduce the dosage of both the Trenbolone and Testosterone. Trenbolone is also combined on the cycle with Testosterone and Nandrolone. This cycle is also designed for quick weight gain. However, one must be careful – Nandrolone can strongly Aromatize!
Tren Hex cycles are said to last anywhere from eight to ten weeks but will depend on the user and his or her goals. Those who have used Tren-Hex in the past have seen changes in as little as three weeks. Although 8-10 weeks is the common length of a Trenbolone cycle, a twelve-week cycle can be done by those who can tolerate the associated side effects. In any case, there is no length of a cycle set in stone. You can read all the articles online and ask around at the gym and you’ll find that everyone does what works for them as an individual. Find your sweet spot and stick to it.
Tren-Hex Half-Life and Detection Time
Tren-Hex is an esterfied version of Trenbolone which is released more slowly in the body. This eliminates the need for more frequent injections. The half-life of Tren-Hex is 7-10 days. Those bodybuilders, powerlifters and athletes who enter drug tested competitions or contests should be aware that at least five weeks is needed to completely clear Tren-Hex from the system.
Tren-Hex Dosage and Administration: IMPORTANT facts you MUST KNOW
When determining the dosage of Tren-Hex it is important to take into account the strength of this steroid, other steroids that are being used in the cycle, the goal of the user and his or her overall health. Typically, dosages are broken down into three levels; beginner, intermediate and advanced users. We also want to explain that Trenbolone is not a steroid that someone who has never used steroids should even attempt. By beginner we simply mean that this is the first time using Trenbolone. Those who have used other steroids but never tried Trenbolone should consider 150-250mg per week to start off with and assess the tolerance level. Intermediate users may tolerate anywhere from 250-450mg per week of Tren-Hex. Advanced or experienced users have been known to use 500mg or more per week of this steroid. Always choose wisely and know your body and its limits. Females are not excluded from this. It is always recommended for women to start off with much lower dosages (if any) of a steroid but this varies from person to person. Because of its half-life, Tren-Hex should be split evenly into two dosages, one on Monday and the other on Thursday. This injection schedule provides the most stable and steady blood plasma levels.
Side Effects of Tren-Hex: How to avoid?
Yes, side effects could happen if you use Tren-Hex or any form of Trenbolone. This is not the most user-friendly steroid and some of the side effects can be quite ugly. That doesn’t mean that everyone who uses Tren-Hex will experience all of these but just be on the lookout for how your body feels and looks when injecting this steroid.
The good news about Trenbolone is that it does not Aromatize. What does this mean for you? Water retention will never happen when injecting Tren-Hex. You’ll never feel the bloat that is felt from other Anabolic steroids that cause water retention. Because Trenbolone is a Progestin in nature, there is the possibility of Gynecomastia, but it is not common at all. Taking inhibitors while running a cycle of Tren-Hex might be a good idea if you are sensitive to Progestin.
Tren-Hex is an extremely Androgenic hormone, so this is where you need to be cautious of the side effects. Acne is quite common for those who inject Tren and hair loss can also occur but most of the time this is due to male pattern baldness. Women who are considering Tren, should do so with caution also because these same side effects can occur to you too. Oily-skin may happen too along with the acne so getting some good cleansing face wash will help combat these effects.
Tren-Hex can negatively impact both blood pressure and cholesterol. Healthy individuals who use this steroid have less of a chance of either of these increasing but those that choose to use Tren-Hex and consume a lot of saturated fats and live an unhealthy lifestyle are only adding to the complications down the road. Getting both checked on a regular basis is a good idea for those that already have a higher level of both blood pressure and cholesterol.
Tren-Hex is very suppressive to the natural Testosterone production and can be very dangerous. Those experienced with steroid use, know that Testosterone should be the base of any steroid cycle. Be sure to include Testosterone into your cycles unless you want to deal with a lot of problems down the road.
Tren-Hex is not toxic to the liver, but it said to cause some stress to the liver if used excessively for long periods of time.
Response Effects
Trenbolone in any form carries with it the possibility of side effects that may not be associated with other steroids. The four effects worth noting are night sweats, anxiety, rapid heart rate and insomnia. When injecting Tren Hex, users may sweat excessively (mostly at night). This can get so intense that it causes the user to wake up in the middle of the night with his or her shirt and often the bed sheets soaked. Other users have experienced a feeling of nervousness or anxiety. This steroid often makes people have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep for hours at a time. Because it can cause a rapid heart rate, some have experienced the “jitters” or have woken up in the middle of the night because of this.
Tren Cough
This is a real side effect and can last from a few seconds to a few minutes but is not considered life-threatening. What is Tren cough? When you inject this steroid and a small amount ends up in the blood vessels which cause it to get absorbed by the bloodstream, you may start to cough. The cough could be mild or violent at times and feel like a tickle in the back of your throat. It will go away eventually and there should be no reason to panic or call 911. Just be aware that if you start coughing right after you inject, you are lucky to have experienced what we call “Tren Cough”.
Trenbolone is regarded as an Anabolic steroid that is a little harsher and more serious in the aspect of side effects. We will provide you with a list of the side effects that are most commonly associated with Trenbolone below. First, you need to know that every individual is different, and the side effects will vary from person to person. Tren Hex’s most common side effects are:
- Increased aggression
- Tren-cough
- Oily skin
- Acne
- Night sweats
- Insomnia
- Increased growth of body hair
Tren-Hex PCT: How to avoid muscle loss and side effects
Post Cycle Therapy or “PCT” is an essential process that people go through once they’ve finished a cycle of steroids. The objective is to get their body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing hormones again. Once a run of steroids is over, a user will start their post cycle therapy.
PCT is essential to prevent long-term impairment of Testosterone production in the body. Without PCT, Testosterone levels may never return to normal and replacement therapy may be required permanently.
Some may start PCT as early as two or three days after their last pill or injection is taken. Start times are not set in stone and will vary from person to person depending on the length of the cycle and what steroids were taken at what dosages. Obviously, with a longer cycle, you’ll need a longer recovery period of PCT. Common PCT cycles after using Tren Hex last four weeks and begin three weeks following the last injection of Tren Hex (depending on the esters used in the cycle).
We always recommend Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after any steroid cycle although there are some who never choose to use PCT. Just remember that when you opt out of PCT, you put your body at a greater risk of side effects from the use of Tren Hex and other steroids. PCT drugs will help get your body back to where it was (not physically of course) and get you ready for when you want to run your next cycle. Most individuals will use Nolvadex for PCT rather than Clomid because it is less harsh on the body. Nolvadex can come with some side effects as well. The most common include headaches, upset stomach and hot flashes. Individuals will also try Clomid after one steroid cycle and Nolvadex after another cycle to see which they prefer. A typical Nolvadex or Clomid PCT cycle will last four weeks. Some bodybuilders and athletes will use both drugs at the same time but again this is all based on personal preference and experience with steroid use.
Personal Experience: what have I got from Tren-Hex injections
As a female, I’ve used Masteron and Tren-Hex in a cycle. This is not my first rodeo with steroids. The first steroid I ever tried was Winstrol injections and I will never use Winny injections again because of the pain. As far as the Masteron and Tren-Hex cycle, I loved it. I never experienced the Tren Cough but got night sweats every single night. All I did was get up and change my shirt and go back to sleep. The benefits and results at the end of the cycle were well worth the sweats. My veins had veins and the definition in my muscles was awesome.
Analogues of Trenbolone Hexa: Only usefull information about Trenbolone
Basics of Trenbolone Hexa: Find out how athletes use Trenbolone and what they think about it
Trenbolone Injections guide: Get detailed instructions about self-injections of Trenbolone Hexa at home
Why to use Trenbolone Hex?
- Healthy (Heart and blood)
- Less (Fat, more muscle)
- Stronger (Bones)
- Better (Libido)
- Improved (Mood)
Can you tell me what is better, parabolan or trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate?
Parabolan is the brand name for Tren-Hex. The two are the same.
I still have trenbolone-hex from 3 years ago. Do you think it would be ok for me to use?
Unopened shelve life is three years and it would still be good for another two after that. Yes, its totally fine for you to use it.
Which trenbolone is best for cutting or doesn’t it make a difference?
Trenbolone-Hex is a better bulking compound than it is cutting but a user can achieve either by tweaking their diet and training. Also, this applies to Trenbolone Enanthate as well. When cutting, Trenbolone Acetate is the best of these esters to use.
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